Tagged "nutrition"

How to Fight Pregnancy Fatigue

Posted by Adele Henderson on

pregnant woman fatigued at work

Morning sickness gets a bad rap for being the worst side effect of pregnancy. But as every mum-to-be knows, there’s another symptom that can impact our daily life just as much: fatigue.

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Back-to-School Meltdown Survival Guide

Posted by Adele Henderson on

Starting a new school year can be an exciting time for kids, but also one of anxiety, exhaustion and stress.

One day they’re lounging around in their PJs, enjoying the freedom of home life… the next they’re desk-bound, conforming to school rules and routines.

If all this has turned your youngster into an emotional wreck, fear not!

We have a few tips to help you ease the back-to-school transition:

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How to Beat the Heat During Pregnancy

Posted by Adele Henderson on

berry smoothies

Being pregnant at the height of summer is no picnic. You’re hot, sweaty, swollen… and you can’t even cool down with a wine or cocktail!

Don’t despair, summer mamas: here are three refreshing treats you CAN enjoy. They’re ice-cold, incredibly tasty and take just minutes to prepare.

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5 Habits of Healthy Families

Posted by Adele Henderson on

healthy family riding bikes

We all wish for a happy and healthy family. But with the pressures of work, the impact of technology and kids’ aversion to all things leafy and green, keeping your loved ones well can be easier said than done. 

Experts agree the key is taking a team approach, involving both kids and adults alike. Everyone is more likely to stick to healthy lifestyle choices when working together.

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